Back to basics...

The stuff nightmares are made of.... Early last week, I suffered a fatal hard drive failure. Every photographers worst nightmare and while technology fails all on it's own, I certainly didn't help this situation by not making a back up copy as I normally do for every event when I get back into the office. Thankfully, the only events on this drive was WAAHA and Saturday of the 40th All Welsh Show.

What this means - 700 odd WAAHA images and what I have of the Saturday from the All Welsh Show, each horse can have 5 free for web sized image downloads. I am currently running deep scans on my memory cards, which takes around 10-12 hours per card, at this stage it isn't looking hopeful but know I am trying my best. To get your 5 free web files please create a favourites collection by clicking the heart on the image you would like and pop your email in, I will replace with the edited file and email them to you.

Sunday from the 40th All Welsh is now online as proof files, these are edited once purchased as normal.

I would like to apologise to those effected by the hard drive failure, I promise it has been a massive kick in the stomach here and I'm doing all I can to try to rectify it.

Reminder - As many of you are aware, I am a full time carer for my father who lives with me, this is and always will be my priority. Also, I am running on older computer equipment and just don't have the financial ability to upgrade, so it was decided when I came back from a break earlier in the year I will take it back to basics. I am no longer running as a full time business - this is now a hobby, the way it was when I started back in 2009. I will only be covering the odd event as I am able to upgrade my computer over time, I will be covering mostly private sessions and show horse events only. This is only for now, I may be back to doing it full time one day, but for now I need to be reliable for not only my dad, but for clients and running on older equipment, I just cannot shoot the amount I have been and I truly feel the universe has provided me with enough signs, it's time to slow right down with it.

For now, it's back to shooting for the fun of it which will also allow me much needed time with my own horses and family.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable end of 2023! I hope you all enjoy a break and time with loved ones.

Please don't forget to back up your images and download a copy of your Facebook images which can be easily done within the settings tab on Facebook.

xx Christie Lyn